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Search result for words starting with 釜: 5 word(s) found. |
釜 | fǔ | kettle; cauldron |
釜山 | Fǔ shān | Busan Metropolitan City in South Gyeongsang Province 庆尚南道, South Korea |
釜山市 | Fǔ shān shì | Busan Metropolitan City in South Gyeongsang Province 庆尚南道, South Korea |
釜山广域市 | Fǔ shān guǎng yù shì | Busan Metropolitan City in South Gyeongsang Province 庆尚南道, South Korea |
釜底抽薪 | fǔ dǐ chōu xīn | to take drastic measures to deal with a situation; to pull the carpet from under sb |