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Search result for words starting with 贼: 9 word(s) found. |
贼 | zéi | thief; traitor; wily; deceitful; evil; extremely |
贼亮 | zéi liàng | bright; shiny; dazzling; glaring |
贼心 | zéi xīn | evil intentions |
贼死 | zéi sǐ | completely; utterly (dialect) |
贼眉鼠眼 | zéi méi shǔ yǎn | shifty-eyed; crafty-looking (idiom) |
贼眼 | zéi yǎn | shifty gaze; furtive glance |
贼窝 | zéi wō | thieves' lair |
贼船 | zéi chuán | pirate ship; fig. venture of dubious merit; criminal gang; reactionary faction |
贼头贼脑 | zéi tóu zéi nǎo | lit. to behave like a thief; furtive; underhand |