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Search result for words starting with 舜: 4 word(s) found. |
舜 | shùn | Shun (c. 22nd century BC), mythical sage and leader |
舜帝陵 | Shùn dì líng | several tombs of legendary Emperor Shun, one in Ningyuan county 宁远县 in southwest Hunan, another Yuncheng prefecture 运城 Shanxi |
舜日尧天 | Shùn rì Yáo tiān | sage Emperors Shun and Yao rule every day (idiom); all for the best in the best of all possible worlds |
舜日尧年 | Shùn rì Yáo nián | sage Emperors Shun and Yao rule every day (idiom); all for the best in the best of all possible worlds |