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Search result for words starting with 糊: 14 word(s) found. |
糊 | hú | congee; making a living; muddled; paste; scorched |
糊 | hù | paste; cream |
糊 | hū | to paste |
糊涂 | hú tu | muddled; silly; confused |
糊口 | hú kǒu | to scrape a meager living; to get by with difficulty |
糊精 | hú jīng | dextrin |
糊里糊涂 | hú lǐ hú tū | confused; vague; indistinct; muddle-headed; mixed up; in a daze |
糊剂 | hú jì | paste; glue |
糊嘴 | hú zuǐ | to scrape a meager living; to get by with difficulty |
糊涂虫 | hú tu chóng | blunderer; bungler |
糊涂账 | hú tu zhàng | muddled accounts; a mess of bookkeeping |
糊弄 | hù nong | to fool; to deceive |
糊糊 | hú hu | thick congee; porridge; fig. in trouble |
糊糊涂涂 | hú hu tú tu | confused; muddled; stupid; dumb |