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Search result for words starting with 栽: 8 word(s) found. |
栽培 | zāi péi | to grow; to cultivate; to train; to educate; to patronize |
栽 | zāi | to grow; to plant; to insert; to force on sb; to fall head first |
栽植 | zāi zhí | to plant; to transplant |
栽种 | zāi zhòng | to plant; to grow |
栽子 | zāi zi | seedling; young plant |
栽种机 | zāi zhòng jī | a mechanical planter (for rice, plants) |
栽赃 | zāi zāng | to frame sb (by planting sth on them) |
栽跟头 | zāi gēn tou | to suffer a setback |