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Search result for words starting with 倚: 7 word(s) found. |
倚 | yǐ | to lean on; rely upon |
倚靠 | yǐ kào | to lean on; to rest against; to rely on; support; backing; back of a chair |
倚赖 | yǐ lài | to rely on; to be dependent on |
倚仗 | yǐ zhàng | to lean on; rely on |
倚天屠龙记 | yǐ tiān tú lóng jì | Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre, wuxia (武侠, martial arts chivalry) novel by Jin Yong 金庸 and its screen adaptations |
倚栏望月 | yǐ lán wàng yuè | to lean against the railings and look at the moon (idiom) |
倚重 | yǐ zhòng | to rely heavily upon |