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Search result for words containing 抗: 91 word(s) found.

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kàng antitoxins
kàng yǎng huà antioxidant
kàng shuǐwaterproof; water resistant
kàng làodefenses against floods
kàng zāidefense against natural disasters
kàng yán xìnganti-inflammatory (medicine)
kàng shēng antibiotic
kàng bìng antiviral
kàng bìng yàoantivirals
kàng áianti-cancer
kàng zhíunyielding
kàng zhēn jūnantifungal
kàng to behave informally as equals; not to stand on ceremony
kàng jīng shén bìngantipsychotic (drug)
kàng zhī ànantihistamine
kàng ànantihistamine
kàng àn antihistamine (medicine)
kàng àn yàoantihistamine
kàng Měi yuán CháoResist US, help North Korea (1950s slogan)
kàng nài jiǎ yǎng lín jīn jūnmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
kàng jūnantibacterial
kàng jūn jiǎ xiāo zuòanti-bacterial metronidazole
kàng jūn yàoantibacterial
kàng yàodrug-resistance (of a pathogen)
kàng yào xìngresistance to action of a drug
kàng yào néng drug-resistance (of a pathogen)
kàng xuè qīngantiserum
kàng zhěprotester
kàng biànto counter accusations; to protest; to remonstrate; to retort; to plead; to demur; a plea (of not guilty); a defense (against an allegation); to enter a plea to a charge (in a law court)
kàng zhèn jiù zāi zhǐ huī earthquake relief headquarter
kàng zhèn jié gòuearthquake resistant construction
kàng resistance; immunity
chū kàng biànto plead (not guilty); to enter a plea
zuì kàng biànplea of not guilty
jué shí kàng hunger strike
ài bìng kàng AIDS antibody
kàng biàn huàn impedance converter
diàn kàng an electrical reactor
diàn kàngelectrical impedance (formerly resistance)
jìng zuò kàng sit-in protest
jìng zuò kàng shì wēisit-in protest demonstration