先来后到 | xiān lái hòu dào | in order of arrival; first come, first served |
先兆 | xiān zhào | omen |
先入为主 | xiān rù wéi zhǔ | lit. first impression is strongest |
先到先得 | xiān dào xiān dé | first come first served |
先君 | xiān jūn | my late father; my ancestors; the late emperor |
先大母 | xiān dà mǔ | deceased paternal grandmother |
先天下之忧而忧, 后天下之乐而乐 | xiān tiān xià zhī yōu ér yōu , hòu tiān xià zhī lè ér lè | The first concern is affairs of state, enjoying the pleasure comes later. Quotation from essay On Yueyang Tower 岳阳楼记 by Song writer Fan Zhongyan 范仲淹 |
先天性 | xiān tiān xìng | congenital; intrinsic; innateness |
先天性缺陷 | xiān tiān xìng quē xiàn | birth defect |
先天愚型 | xiān tiān yú xíng | Down syndrome; trisomy 21 |
先妣 | xiān bǐ | deceased mother; mother of an ancestor |
先帝遗诏 | xiān dì yí zhào | posthumous edict of former emperor; Liu Bei's 刘备 edict to posterity |
先后顺序 | xiān hòu shùn xù | order of priority; sequential order |
先慈 | xiān cí | deceased mother |
先斩后奏 | xiān zhǎn hòu zòu | first decapitate then present your trophy (idiom); act first, report later |
先期录音 | xiān qī lù yīn | pre-recording; to pre-record |
先机 | xiān jī | key moment; decisive opportunity |
先决问题 | xiān jué wèn tí | preliminary question; priority problem; issues requiring more immediate attention |
先决条件 | xiān jué tiáo jiàn | precondition; prerequisite |
先河 | xiān hé | priority; sth advocated first; refers to ancient tradition: Worship the river first, then the sea. |
先汉 | xiān Hàn | pre-Han; China before to 200 BC |
先父 | xiān fù | deceased father; my late father |
先王 | xiān wáng | former kings; former emperors; in Confucian writing, refers esp. to the sage rulers Yáo 尧, Shùn 舜, Yǔ 禹, Tāng 汤 and the kings of Zhou |
先王之政 | xiān wáng zhī zhèng | the rule of former kings |
先王之乐 | xiān wáng zhī yuè | the music of former kings |
先王之道 | xiān wáng zhī dào | the way of former kings |
先生们 | xiān sheng men | gentlemen |
先发 | xiān fā | initial; arising first; same as 首先发起 |
先发制人 | xiān fā zhì rén | to gain the initiative by striking first (idiom); to pre-empt; to anticipate; pre-emptive |
先皇 | xiān Huáng | the late Emperor |
先睹为快 | xiān dǔ wéi kuài | joy of first experience (idiom); the pleasure of reading sth for the first time |
先知先觉 | xiān zhī xiān jué | foresight; having foresight; person of foresight |
先祖 | xiān zǔ | deceased grandfather; ancestry |
先礼后兵 | xiān lǐ hòu bīng | peaceful measures before using force (idiom); diplomacy before violence; jaw-jaw is better than war-war |
先声夺人 | xiān shēng duó rén | to gain the upper hand by a show of strength |
先行者 | xiān xíng zhě | forerunner |
先见 | xiān jiàn | foresight; prescience |
先见之明 | xiān jiàn zhī míng | foresight |
先见者 | xiān jiàn zhě | seer |
先觉 | xiān jué | person with foresight |
先贤 | xiān xián | worthy predecessor; distinguished person of the past; former sage |
先进武器 | xiān jìn wǔ qì | advanced weapon |
先进水平 | xiān jìn shuǐ píng | advanced level |
先达 | xiān dá | famous and virtuous ancestors; the great men of the past |
先遣队 | xiān qiǎn duì | advance party; advance troops |
先鞭 | xiān biān | to take precedence; to make an early start; to lead the way |
先驱者 | xiān qū zhě | pioneer |
兵马未动, 粮草先行 | bīng mǎ wèi dòng , liáng cǎo xiān xíng | before the troops move, fodder and provisions go first (idiom); logistics comes before military maneuvers; an army marches on its stomach |
其先 | qí xiān | previously; before that; up to then |
国际先驱论坛报 | Guó jì Xiān qū Lùn tán bào | International Herald Tribune |