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Search result for words containing 借: 81 word(s) found.

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jiè to seize the opportunity
jiè kuǎn rénthe borrower
jiè huǒto borrow a light (for a cigarette)
jiè zhùlit. to borrow chopsticks; to make plans for sb else
jiè gěito lend to sb
jiè shēng surrogate pregnancy
jiè huā xiàn lit. presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers (idiom); fig. to win favor or influence using sb else's property; plagiarism
jiè to debit
jiè debit card
jiè loan word; pretext
jiè to attend school on a temporary basis
jiè zhùto make use of sth in order to make good the deficits in sth else (idiom)
jiè zhàngto borrow money; to take a loan
jiè guòexcuse me
jiè jiǔ jiāo chóuto drown one's sorrows (in alcohol)
jiè zhòngto rely on sb for support
jiè qiánto lend money; to borrow money
jiè jìngto use other people's experience; to borrow from a source; to use as reference
jiè yuèto borrow books to read
jiè huīto use the current topic to put over one's own ideas
jiǎ jiè loan character (one of the Six Methods 六书 of forming Chinese characters); character acquiring meanings by phonetic association; also called phonetic loan
jiǎ jiè borrowed meaning
chū jièto lend; to put out a loan
tóng chāi jiècall loan; short term loan within banking
shàn hòu jiè kuǎnreconstruction loan provided by Great Powers to Yuan Shikai in 1913
zhǎo jiè kǒuto look for a pretext
chāi jièshort term loan
nuó jièto borrow money for a short time
zhāi jièto borrow money
jièextended borrowing (e.g. library renewal)
bèi chéng jiè to make a last-ditch stand before the city wall (idiom); to fight to the last ditch; to put up a desperate struggle