她自己 | tā zì jǐ | herself |
好自为之 | hǎo zì wéi zhī | to do one's best; to shape up; to behave |
妄自尊大 | wàng zì zūn dà | ridiculous self-importance (idiom); arrogance |
妄自菲薄 | wàng zì fēi bó | to be unduly humble (idiom); to undervalue oneself; false modesty |
威宁彝族回族苗族 自治县 | Wēi níng Yí zú Huí zú Miáo zú zì zhì xiàn | Weining Yi, Hui and Miao autonomous county in Bijie prefecture 毕节地区, Guizhou |
威福自己 | wēi fú zì jǐ | to abuse power; conflict of interest; power to judge as tyrant over one's own case |
媒体自由 | méi tǐ zì yóu | freedom of the media |
孟村回族自治县 | Mèng cūn Huí zú zì zhì xiàn | Mengcun Hui autonomous county in Cangzhou 沧州, Hebei |
孟连傣族拉祜族佤 族自治县 | Mèng lián Dǎi zú lā hù zú Wǎ zú zì zhì xiàn | Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va autonomous county in Pu'er 普洱, Yunnan |
孤芳自赏 | gū fāng zì shǎng | lone flower admiring itself (idiom); narcissism; self-love |
学术自由 | xué shù zì yóu | academic freedom |
安闲自在 | ān xián zì zai | leisurely and free (idiom); carefree and at ease |
安闲自得 | ān xián zì dé | feeling comfortably at ease (idiom) |
富川瑶族自治县 | Fù chuān Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn | Fuchuan Yao autonomous county in Hezhou 贺州, Guangxi |
察布查尔锡伯自治 县 | Chá bù chá ěr Xī bó zì zhì xiàn | Qapqal Xibe autonomous county in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈萨克自治州, Xinjiang |
宁洱哈尼族彝族自 治县 | Níng ěr Hā ní zú Yí zú zì zhì xiàn | Ning'er Hani and Yi autonomous county in Yunnan, capital Pu'er city 普洱市; formerly Pu'er Hani and Yi autonomous county |
宁蒗彝族自治县 | Níng làng yí zú zì zhì xiàn | Ninglang Yizu autonomous county in Lijiang 丽江, Yunnan |
宽城满族自治县 | Kuān chéng Mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn | Kuancheng Manchu autonomous county in Chengde 承德, Hebei |
宽甸满族自治县 | Kuān diàn Mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn | Kuandian Manchu autonomous county in Dandong 丹东, Liaoning |
寻甸回族彝族自治 县 | Xún diàn Huí zú Yí zú zì zhì xiàn | Xundian Hui and Yi autonomous county in Kunming 昆明, Yunnan |
居功自傲 | jū gōng zì ào | satisfied with one's accomplishment and arrogant as a result (idiom); resting on one's laurels and despising others |
屏边苗族自治县 | Píng biān miáo zú zì zhì xiàn | Pingbian Mianzu autonomous county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture 红河哈尼族彝族自治州, Yunnan |
山地自行车 | shān dì zì xíng chē | mountain bike |
岫岩满族自治县 | Xiù yán mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn | Xiuyan Manzu autonomous county in Anshan 鞍山, Liaoning |
峨山彝族自治县 | É shān yí zú zì zhì xiàn | Eshan Yizu autonomous county in Yuxi 玉溪, Yunnan |
峨边彝族自治县 | É biān yí zú zì zhì xiàn | Ebian Yizu autonomous county in Leshan 乐山, Sichuan |
巍山彝族回族自治 县 | Wēi shān Yí zú Huí zú zì zhì xiàn | Weishan Yi and Hui autonomous county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州, Yunnan |
巴里坤哈萨克自治 县 | Bā lǐ kūn Hā sà kè zì zhì xiàn | Barkol Kazakh autonomous county or Barköl Qazaq aptonom nahiyisi in Kumul prefecture 哈密地区, Xinjiang |
巴音郭愣蒙古自治 州 | Bā yīn guō lèng Měng gǔ zì zhì zhōu | Bayin'guoleng Mongol autonomous prefecture of Xinjiang |
巴音郭楞蒙古自治 州 | Bā yīn guō léng Měng gǔ zì zhì zhōu | Bayin'guoleng Mongol autonomous prefecture of Xinjiang |
巴马瑶族自治县 | Bā mǎ Yáo zú zì zhì xiàn | Bama Yaozu autonomous county in Hezhou 贺州, Guangxi |
庸人自扰 | yōng rén zì rǎo | to feel hopelessly worried or get in trouble for imaginary fears |
广西壮族自治区 | Guǎng xī Zhuàng zú zì zhì qū | Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region (Zhuang: Gvangjsih Bouxcuengh Swcigih) in southwest China on the border with Vietnam, abbr. 桂, capital Nanning 南宁; until 1959, Guangxi province |
延边朝鲜族自治州 | Yán biān Cháo xiān zú zì zhì zhōu | Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China, capital Yanji city 延吉市 |
张家川回族自治县 | Zhāng jiā chuān huí zú zì zhì xiàn | Zhanjiachuan Huizu autonomous county in Gansu |
张自忠 | Zhāng Zì zhōng | Zhang Zizhong |
强中自有强中手 | qiáng zhōng zì yǒu qiáng zhōng shǒu | However strong you are, there is always someone stronger; There is always sth more to learn (applied to art or learning).; Never be satisfied to rest on you laurels.; There is no room for complacency. |
彭水苗族土家族自 治县 | Péng shuǐ Miáo zú Tǔ jiā zú zì zhì xiàn | Pengshui Miao and Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality |
徒自惊扰 | tú zì jīng rǎo | to alarm oneself unnecessarily (idiom) |
循化撒拉族自治县 | Xún huà Sǎ lā zú zì zhì xiàn | Xunhua Salazu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海东地区, Qinghai |
德宏傣族景颇族自 治州 | Dé hóng Dǎi zú Jǐng pō zú zì zhì zhōu | Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture in west Yunnan surrounded on three sides by Myanmar (Burma), capital Luxi 潞西市 |
心静自然凉 | xīn jìng zì rán liáng | a calm heart keeps you cool (idiom) |
怒江傈僳族自治区 | Nù jiāng Lì sù zú zì zhì qū | Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture in northwest Yunnan, capital Liuku or Lutku 六库镇 |
怒江傈僳族自治州 | Nù jiāng Lì sù zú zì zhì zhōu | Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture in northwest Yunnan, capital Liuku or Lutku 六库镇 |
怡然自得 | yí rán zì dé | happy and content (idiom) |
恩施土家族苗族自 治州 | Ēn shī Tǔ jiā zú Miáo zú zì zhì zhōu | Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture in Hubei |
恭城瑶族自治县 | Gōng chéng Yáo zú zì zhì xiàn | Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Guilin 桂林, Guangxi |
悔过自新 | huǐ guò zì xīn | to repent and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf |
悲不自胜 | bēi bù zì shèng | unable to control one's grief (idiom); overwrought; overcome with sorrow; heart-broken |
应付自如 | yìng fu zì rú | to handle matters with ease (idiom); equal to the situation |