美索不达米亚 | Měi suǒ bù dá mǐ yà | Mesopotamia |
翻脸不认人 | fān liǎn bù rèn rén | to turn against sb; to cut sb off |
而不需 | ér bù xū | without needing (to so sth) |
耳闻不如目见 | ěr wén bù rú mù jiàn | seeing sth for oneself is better than hearing about it from others |
听不到 | tīng bu dào | can't hear |
听不见 | tīng bu jiàn | not be able to hear |
听而不闻 | tīng ér bù wén | to hear but not react (idiom); to turn a deaf ear; to ignore deliberately |
肥水不流外人田 | féi shuǐ bù liú wài rén tián | lit. don't let one's own fertile water flow into others' field; fig. keep the goodies within the family (proverb) |
能不能 | néng bù néng | can or cannot?; Is it possible?; Can we do it? |
脱不了身 | tuō bù liǎo shēn | busy and unable to get away |
脚正不怕鞋歪 | jiǎo zhèng bù pà xié wāi | lit. a straight foot has no fear of a crooked shoe; an upright man is not afraid of gossip (idiom) |
卧不安 | wò bù ān | restless insomnia |
临死不怯 | lín sǐ bù qiè | equanimity in the face of death; to face dangers with assurance |
临渊羡鱼不如退而 结网 | lín yuān xiàn yú bù rú tuì ér jié wǎng | rather than admiring fish, go home and weave a net |
临渊羡鱼, 不如退而结网 | lín yuān xiàn yú , bù rú tuì ér jié wǎng | better to go home and weave a net, than to stand by the pond and covet fish (idiom) |
自不必说 | zì bù bì shuō | to not need dwell on (idiom) |
自命不凡 | zì mìng bù fán | to think too much of oneself; self-important; arrogant |
自叹不如 | zì tàn bù rú | to consider oneself as being not as good as the others |
自强不息 | zì qiáng bù xī | to strive unremittingly; self-improvement |
自愧不如 | zì kuì bù rú | ashamed of being inferior (idiom); to feel inferior to others |
臭不可闻 | chòu bù kě wén | unbearable stink; fig. notorious |
与全世界为敌, 冒天下之大不韪 | yǔ quán shì jiè wéi dí , mào tiān xià zhī dà bù wěi | to defy world opinion; to risk universal condemnation |
举不胜举 | jǔ bù shèng jǔ | too numerous to list (idiom); innumerable |
举棋不定 | jǔ qí bù dìng | to hesitate over what move to make (idiom); to waver; to shilly-shally |
旧的不去, 新的不来 | jiù de bù qù , xīn de bù lái | lit. If the old doesn't go, the new will not come.; You can't make progress by clinging to old notions. |
良莠不齐 | liáng yǒu bù qí | good and bad people intermingled |
花不棱登 | huā bù léng dēng | gaudy; repulsively colored |
若要人不知, 除非己莫为 | ruò yào rén bù zhī , chú fēi jǐ mò wéi | If you don't want anyone to know, don't do it (idiom). fig. If you do something bad, people will inevitably hear about it. |
苦不唧 | kǔ bu jī | slightly bitter |
苦不唧儿 | kǔ bu jīr | erhua variant of 苦不唧, slightly bitter |
茶饭不思 | chá fàn bù sī | no thought for tea or rice (idiom); melancholic and suffering; to have no appetite |
荒怪不经 | huāng guài bù jīng | absurd; unthinkable |
荒诞不经 | huāng dàn bù jīng | absurd; preposterous; ridiculous |
莫不然 | mò bù rán | equally true for (all the rest); the same thing applies (for everyone) |
莫不闻 | mò bù wén | there is no-one who doesn't know that |
莫不逾侈 | mò bù yú chǐ | there is no-one who is not extravagant |
莫霍洛维奇不连续 面 | Mò huò luò wéi qí bù lián xù miàn | Mohorovichich discontinuity (lower boundary of the earth's lithosphere); abbr. to Moho 莫霍面 |
萎靡不振 | wěi mǐ bù zhèn | dispirited and listless (idiom); downcast |
万不得已 | wàn bù dé yǐ | only when absolutely essential (idiom); as a last resort |
万死不辞 | wàn sǐ bù cí | ten thousand deaths will not prevent me (idiom); ready to risk life and limb to help out |
万变不离其宗 | wàn biàn bù lí qí zōng | many superficial changes but no departure from the original stand (idiom); plus ça change, plus ça reste la mème chose |
着三不着两 | zháo sān bù zháo liǎng | scatter-brained; thoughtless |
虎不拉 | hǔ bu lā | shrike |
虱多不痒 | shī duō bù yǎng | many fleas, but unconcerned (idiom); no point in worrying about one debt when one has so many others; Troubles never come singly.; It never rains but it pours. |
蟪蛄不知春秋 | huì gū bù zhī chūn qiū | lit. short-lived cicada does not know the seasons; fig. to see only a small piece of the big picture |
蜡烛不点不亮 | là zhú bù diǎn bù liàng | some people have to be pushed for them to take action |
蛮不讲理 | mán bù jiǎng lǐ | capricious muleheadedness |
行不从径 | xíng bù cóng jìng | lit. not following the straight path (idiom); fig. looking for a shortcut to get ahead in work or study |
行不由径 | xíng bù yóu jìng | lit. never taking a short-cut (idiom); fig. upright and honest |
行不顾言 | xíng bù gù yán | to say one thing and do another (idiom) |