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Search result for words starting with 水: 230 word(s) found.

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Shuǐ quán zhuànWater Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Naian 施耐庵, one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature; also written 水浒传
shuǐ hòu zhuànWater Margin sequel, by Chen Chen 陈忱
shuǐ dripping wet
shuǐ zhǎng chuán gāothe tide rises, the boat floats (idiom); fig. to change with the overall trend; to develop according to the situation
shuǐ tánpuddle; pool
shuǐ huǒ róngcompletely incompatible; lit. incompatible as fire and water
shuǐ huǒ qíngFire and water have no mercy (idiom). forces of nature beyond human control; implacable fate
shuǐ yān dàiwater bong; water pipe; hookah
shuǐ zhǔ dànboiled egg; soft-boiled egg
shuǐ zhǔ Sichuan poached sliced fish in hot chili oil
shuǐ otter
shuǐ crystal; old word for 水晶
shuǐ qiúwater polo
shuǐ qiú chǎngwater polo pool
Shuǐ píng zuòAquarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac); variant of 宝瓶座
shuǐ chǎn zhǎnseafood show (trade fair)
shuǐ chǎn aquaculture
shuǐ chǎn yǎng zhíaquaculture
shuǐ tián jièwatercress
shuǐ dòuchickenpox; Varicella zoster (med.)
shuǐ liáohydrotherapy; aquatherapy
shuǐ pàoblister
shuǐ pénbasin
shuǐ xiāngaqueous solution
shuǐ niǎnwater mill
Shuǐ gōuShuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Urumqi city 乌鲁木齐市, Xinjiang
Shuǐ gōu Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Urumqi city 乌鲁木齐市, Xinjiang
shuǐ shénriver God
shuǐ fāngWater Cube, nickname of Beijing national aquatics center 北京国家游泳中心, swimming venue of Beijing 2008 Olympic games
shuǐ shāowell bucket; pail made of bamboo strips
shuǐ guǎn gōngplumber
shuǐ guǎn gōng rénplumber
shuǐ guǎn miàntube pasta (eg penne, rigatoni, ziti); macaroni
Shuǐ lián DòngShuilian Cave; Water Curtain Cave
绿shuǐ light green
shuǐ gāngwater jar
shuǐ chuánhydrofoil
shuǐ lǎo common name for cormorant
shuǐ gēng hydroponics
shuǐ fèiSCUBA (diving)
shuǐ néng yuánhydroelectric power
shuǐ zhì qīng Water that is too clear has few fish, and one who is too critical has few friends (idiom); You cannot expect everyone to be squeaky clean.; Don't be too picky!
shuǐ chāng Acorus calamus; sweet sedge or sweet flag
shuǐ luò guī cáospilt water returns to the trough (idiom); fig. people remember where they belong
shuǐ luò shí chūAs the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom); the truth comes to light; When facts are known, doubts dissipate.; Murder will out.; Name of a CCTV soap opera set in police station
shuǐ wèng càiwater spinach or ong choy (Ipomoea aquatica), used as a vegetable in south China and southeast Asia
shuǐ piranha (fish)
shuǐ shé zuòHydrus (constellation)
shuǐ zhìleech
shuǐ zhì hirudin