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Search result for words containing 不: 1678 word(s) found.

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kàn bu guò qucannot stand by idly and watch; unable to put up with it any longer
kàn shùn yǎnunpleasant to the eye
kàn zhe guǎnto stand by and pay no heed; to ignore
zhēn jīn huǒ lái shāosee 真金不怕火炼
zhēn jīn huǒ liàntrue gold fears no fire (idiom)
yǎn jiàn wéi jìngwhat remains unseen is deemed to be clean; what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over (idiom)
yǎn zhuàn jīngwith fixed attention (idiom)
yǎn shén hǎoto have poor eyesight
yǎn shén to have poor eyesight
shuì mián lack of sleep; sleep deficit
jīn gōng boasts a lot, but nothing comes of it (idiom)

zhī zhī ,
bǎi zhàn dài
Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated (idiom, from Sunzi's Art of War 孙子兵法).

zhī zhī ,
bǎi zhàn dài
Knowing the enemy and yourself will get you unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's Art of War).
bài kāncrushed; utterly defeated
què záo established and irrefutable (idiom)
kāito feel embarrassed
zhǐ guòit's just that...
ér xuānto withhold information; to keep sth secret
shén shǒu shènot in one's right mind; restless
shén zhī guǐ juétop secret; hush-hush
jīn bu to be unable to stand
huò dān xíngMisfortune does not come singly (idiom).; It never rains but it pours.
huò xuán zhǒngtrouble is never far away (idiom)
qín shòu worse than a beast; to behave immorally
zhì rán wěnto be in complete order (idiom)
xiāng néngalways at loggerheads (idiom); never able to agree with sb; unable to get on with sb
wěn qiánto mark time and make no advances (idiom)
zhàn bu zhù jiǎoill-founded; groundless
xiào yǎngto double up with laughter (idiom)
xiào pín xiào chāngthe notion in society that it's better to get ahead in the world by abandoning one's scruples than to suffer poverty; lit. despising poverty but not prostitution (idiom)
děng can't wait
děng zhōu děng shìthe isoperimetric inequality
suàn not count as
guǎn bu zháoto have no right or ability to interfere in sth; it's none of your business!
wén dòngto not move a single jot (idiom)
wén fēng dòngabsolutely still; fig. not the slightest change; also written 文风不动
zhǐ bāo zhù huǒlit. paper can't wrap fire; fig. the truth will out
xiāng shíto be total strangers (idiom)
jué in no way; not in the least; absolutely not
jué kǒu lips sealed and not saying anything (idiom); fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic); to censor
jīng tuī jiūdoes not bear examination
jīng jiǔ shuāiunfailing; never-ending
jiān kǒu yánlips sealed and not saying anything (idiom); fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic); to censor
huǎn lit. slow no aid to urgent (idiom); slow measures will not address a critical situation; too slow to meet a pressing need
jiǎo qiāng shā”surrender and your life will be spared” (idiom)
chán jiā qīngto muddle things together (idiom); to bother sb with annoying muddle-headed talk
zuǎn néng de shìpigs might fly (idiom)
zhì zhī wènto pass by without showing interest (idiom)
jué kǒuto scold without end (idiom); incessant abuse
měi shèng shōunothing more beautiful can be imagined (idiom)