花梗 | huā gěng | stem of flower |
花椰菜 | huā yē cài | cauliflower |
花枪 | huā qiāng | short spear (arch.); fig. trickery |
花样游泳 | huā yàng yóu yǒng | synchronized swimming |
花池子 | huā chí zi | flower bed |
花溪 | Huā xī | Huaxi district of Guiyang city 贵阳市, Guizhou |
花溪区 | Huā xī qū | Huaxi district of Guiyang city 贵阳市, Guizhou |
花洒 | huā sǎ | sprinkler; shower |
花无百日红 | huā wú bǎi rì hóng | no flower can bloom for a hundred days.; Good times do not last long (idiom) |
花灯 | huā dēng | colored lantern (used at Lantern festival 元宵节) |
花灯戏 | huā dēng xì | opera for popular in Sichuan and Yunnan |
花环 | huā huán | garland; floral hoop |
花生浆 | huā shēng jiàng | peanut butter; also written 花生酱 |
花生秀 | huā shēng xiù | fashion show |
花生酱 | huā shēng jiàng | peanut butter |
花痴 | huā chī | obsessive love (slang) |
花石 | huā shí | marble |
花石峡 | Huā shí xiá | Huashixia town in Madoi county 玛多县 in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Qinghai |
花石峡镇 | Huā shí xiá zhèn | Huashixia town in Madoi county 玛多县 in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Qinghai |
花簇 | huā cù | bunch of flowers; bouquet |
花粉热 | huā fěn rè | hay fever |
花粉症 | huā fěn zhèng | hay fever; seasonal allergic rhinitis |
花粉过敏 | huā fěn guò mǐn | hay fever |
花红柳绿 | huā hóng liǔ lǜ | red flowers and green willow; all the colors of spring |
花结 | huā jié | decorative bow of ribbon or fabric |
花絮 | huā xù | bits of news; interesting sidelights |
花缎 | huā duàn | brocade; figured satin |
花腔 | huā qiāng | florid ornamentation in opera; coloratura |
花色繁多 | huā sè fán duō | a rich selection of colors and designs (idiom) |
花花公子 | huā huā gōng zǐ | a playboy; Playboy (magazine) |
花花搭搭 | huā hua dā dā | mixed; uneven in texture |
花花肠子 | huā huā cháng zi | (slang) a cunning plot |
花菜 | huā cài | cauliflower |
花莲 | Huā lián | Hualián or Hualien city and county on the east coast of Taiwan |
花莲市 | Huā lián shì | Hualien city on the east coast of Taiwan |
花莲县 | Huā lián xiàn | Hualián or Hualien county on the east coast of Taiwan |
花蕊 | huā ruǐ | stamen; pistil |
花蛤 | huā gé | clam; bivalve mollusc, many spp. |
花言巧语 | huā yán qiǎo yǔ | graceful words, flowery speech (idiom); elegant but insincere words; cheating wheedling; dishonest rhetoric |
花豹 | huā bào | leopard; CL:只 |
花貌蓬心 | huā mào péng xīn | florid outside appearance, unkempt interior (idiom) |
花车 | huā chē | car festooned for celebration |
花农 | huā nóng | flower grower |
花边人物 | huā biān rén wù | smooth talker; fast talker; slick and sociable person; person in the news |
花边儿 | huā biānr | erhua variant of 花边 |
花边新闻 | huā biān xīn wén | media gossip; sensational news |
花都 | Huā dū | Huadu district of Guangzhou city 广州市, Guangdong |
花都区 | Huā dū qū | Huadu district of Guangzhou city 广州市, Guangdong |
花酒 | huā jiǔ | dinner party with singsong girls in attendance; CL:桌; palm liquor; CL:杯,瓶 |
花销 | huā xiāo | expenses |