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Search result for words containing 菌: 116 word(s) found.

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jūnbacterium; germ
jūngerm; bacteria
jùnmold; mushroom
bìng jūnharmful bacteria; pathogenic bacteria; germs
shā jūndisinfectant; to disinfect
méi jūnmold; mildew; fungus; fungi; fungal; mycete; something harmful; mould
gǎn jūnbacillus (any rod-shaped bacteria)
zhēn jūnfungi; fungus
miè jūnto sterilize
bìng yuán jūna pathogen; a bacterial pathogen
jiào jūnyeast; mould; mold
kàng jūn antibiotic
jūn luòa bacterial colony; a culture
shì jūn bacteriophage; phage; virus that infects bacteria
cháng gǎn jūnEscherichia coli (E. coli)
cǎo gǎn jūnbacillus subtilis
qiú jūncoccus (spherical bacteria pathogen)
táo qiú jūnStaphylococcus
tao qiú jūnstaphylococcus
shā jùn a disinfectant
jūn miáoa vaccine
liàn qiú jūnstreptococcus (pathogen caused by chain spherical bacteria)
shā jūn zuò yòngsterilization
suān jūnlactic acid bacteria
liàng jūnArmillariella tabescens (mushroom used in trad. Chinese medicine)
liàng jūn jiǎ armillarisin (fungal enzyme used as antibiotic)
sǎn jūnmushroom
shāng hán shā mén shì jūnsalmonella typhimurium
léi shì jūn shǔKlebsiella
yàn yǎng jūnanaerobic bacteria
yàn qiú bāo jūnCoccidioides immitis
shì xuè gǎn jūnhemophile bacteria; hemophilus
shì suān gān jūnLactobacillus acidophilus
shì jūnFrancisella tularensis
kuài jùntruffle (edible root fungus)
náng jūnascomycete
shì shā jūn pasteurization
shì gǎn jūn bìngbrucellosis (undulant fever or Mediterranean fever)
shì jūn miáoBrucella vaccine
shì jūn bìngBrucella
wēi jūnbacterium; germ
kàng zhēn jūnantifungal
kàng nài jiǎ yǎng lín jīn jūnmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
kàng jūnantibacterial
kàng jūn jiǎ xiāo zuòanti-bacterial metronidazole
kàng jūn yàoantibacterial
jiē jūn gāngZygomycetes
shì gǎn jūnlisteria bacillus
shì jūnlisteria bacillus
jūnListeria monocytogene