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Search result for words containing 日: 382 word(s) found.

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jīngNikkei, abbr. for Nikkei Shimbun 日本经济新闻; abbr. for Nikkei 225 index 日经指数
jīng píng jūnNikkei 225 stock market index
jīng píng jūn zhǐ shùNikkei index; Nikkei 225 stock market index
jīng zhǐ shùNikkei 225 stock market index
ěr mànGermanic
ěr màn Germanic language
zhìsolstice; the winter solstice 冬至 and summer solstice 夏至
hángJapanese airline JAL, abbr. for 日本航空
Yīng lián jūnAnglo-Japanese allied army (intervention during Russian revolution and civil war 1917-1922)
西 luò shānthe sun sets over western hills (idiom); the day approaches its end; fig. time of decline; the end of an era; Sic transit gloria mundi
luò fēng shēnga gentle breeze comes with sunset (idiom)
daytime; during the day
of Japanese descent
běndiary (book)
zhìjournal; log (computing)
huòJapanese goods
yán zhòngmore critical with every passing day
jūnJapanese army; Japanese troops
diànNEC (Nippon Electronic Company); abbr. for 日电电子
diàn diàn NEC (Nippon Electronic Company)
zǎo kāng Get well soon!; to recover health quickly
zǎo zhī jīn dāng chūif I (you, she, he...) had known it would come to this, I (you, she, he...) would not have acted thus (idiom); to regret vainly one's past behaviour
the rising sun
Wàng shānMt Wangbur, Dagzê county 达孜县, Lhasa, Tibet
Xīng dǎo bàoSing Tao Daily, Hong Kong newspaper
Xīng zhōu bàoSin Chew Daily, Malaysian newspaper
Chūn Chunri or Chunjih township in Pingtung county 屏东县, Taiwan
Chūn xiāngChunri or Chunjih township in Pingtung county 屏东县, Taiwan
zuó yesterday
shí duōtime is limited (idiom)
shí zhì jīn lit. the time up to today (idiom); up to the present; even now
àn tiān all black, no daylight (idiom); a world without justice
kuàng chí jiǔprotracted (idiom); long drawn-out
yuè yào Monday (used in Ancient Chinese astronomy)
shuò first day of the lunar month
wàng the full moon; the fifteenth day of each lunar month
cháo morning sun; Asahi
Cháo Fàng sòngAsahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
Cháo Xīn wénAsahi Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)
Cháo xiǎn bàoChosun Ilbo, a South Korean newspaper
yào Thursday (used in Ancient Chinese astronomy)
wèi tóng ér lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in the same breath; incomparable
běn today
Dōng fāng bàoOriental Daily News
Sāng Sangri county, Tibetan: Zangs ri rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地区, Tibet
Sāng xiànSangri county, Tibetan: Zangs ri rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地区, Tibet
zōng zhī zhǔ Palm Sunday (Sunday before Easter)