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Search result for words containing 性: 620 word(s) found.

Displaying words from 451 to 500 - Previous - Next

shēng duō yàng xìngbiodiversity
shēng zhuān xìngbiospecificity
shēng xìngbiological
shēng huó huà xìngbioactivity
shēng xìngphysiological
nán xìng zhǔ masculism
nán xìng huàto masculinize; masculinization
nán xìng yàn misandry
nán xìng qīn shǔkinsman
nán xìng biǎn misandry
xìng xìng jiē chùheterosexual sex
xìng liànheterosexuality; heterosexual love
xìng liàn zhǔ heterosexism
bìng xìngviral
bìng xìng yíng xiāoviral marketing; see also 病毒营销
bìng xìng gān yánviral hepatitis
zhèng zhuàng xìngsymptomatic
tòng xìng jìng luán(muscle) cramp
céng xìngcortical
céng xìng shì sǔn shāngcortical visual impairment (CVI)
jìn xìngdisplaying fully; developing to the greatest extent
线zhí xiàn xìng jiā linear accelerator
zhí jué xìngintuitiveness
xiāng xìngresemblance; similarity
xiāng jiā xìng deadditive
xiāng duì lùn xìngrelativistic (physics)
xiāng guān xìngcorrelation
zhēn xìngreal; the nature of sth
huài xìngdestructive
què dìng xìngdeterminacy
shì xìngexpressivity
shì xìng lèicharacteristic class (math.)
shè huì xìngsocial
shén xìngdivinity
shén jīng xìngneural; mental; neurological
shén jīng xìng nerve agent; nerve gas
shén jīng xìng shì sǔn shāngneurological visual impairment (NVI)
dòng xìngmobility
zhí xìngportability
chéng xìngprogram
bǐng xìngnatural disposition
lěi xìngcumulative
lěi xìngcumulative poison
zhì xìng choking agent
jìng xìngcompetitive
jìng zhēng xìngcompetitive
nián xìngviscosity; glutinous
nián xìng viscous forces (in fluid mechanics)
nián zhì xìngviscosity
zhān zhuó xìngagglutinative (in linguistics, a characteristic of Altaic languages)