扫除天下 | sǎo chú tiān xià | to sweep away evil; to purge (the world of crime) |
摩天 | mó tiān | skyscraping; towering into the sky |
摩天大厦 | mó tiān dà shà | skyscraper; CL:座 |
摩天大楼 | mó tiān dà lóu | skyscraper; CL:座 |
摩天楼 | mó tiān lóu | skyscraper; CL:座 |
摩天轮 | mó tiān lún | Ferris wheel; observation wheel |
撼天动地 | hàn tiān dòng dì | earth-shaking |
据守天险 | jù shǒu tiān xiǎn | to guard a natural stronghold |
数九天 | shǔ jiǔ tiān | nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year |
数九寒天 | shǔ jiǔ hán tiān | nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year |
文天祥 | Wén Tiān xiáng | Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283), Song dynasty politician and poet, folk hero in resisting Mongol invasion in Jiangxi in 1275 |
新天地 | Xīn tiān dì | Xintiandi (shopping, eating and entertainment district of Shanghai) |
日本天皇 | Rì běn tiān huáng | Emperor of Japan |
昊天 | hào tiān | clear sky |
明天启 | Míng Tiān qǐ | Tianqi Emperor, reign name of fifteenth Ming emperor Zhu Youxiao 朱由校 (1605-1627), reigned 1620-1627, Temple name 明熹宗 |
明天见 | míng tiān jiàn | see you tomorrow |
昏天黑地 | hūn tiān hēi dì | lit. dark sky and black earth (idiom); fig. pitch dark; to black out; disorderly; troubled times |
星期天 | xīng qī tiān | Sunday; CL:个 |
普天下 | pǔ tiān xià | throughout the world |
晴天霹雳 | qíng tiān pī lì | thunder from a clear sky (idiom); a bolt from the blue |
暑天 | shǔ tiān | hot (summer) day |
暗无天日 | àn wú tiān rì | all black, no daylight (idiom); a world without justice |
最后一天 | zuì hòu yī tiān | final day |
月黑天 | yuè hēi tiān | the dark; night |
朝天 | cháo tiān | to have an audience with the Emperor; to be presented at court; to look skyward; to look up; Chaotian district of Guangyuan city 广元市, Sichuan |
朝天区 | Cháo tiān qū | Chaotian district of Guangyuan city 广元市, Sichuan |
朱孝天 | Zhū Xiào tiān | Ken Zhu (1979-), Taiwanese singer; actor |
李天王 | Lǐ tiān wáng | the pagoda bearing god |
杞人忧天 | Qǐ rén yōu tiān | man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless fears |
杞国忧天 | Qǐ guó yōu tiān | man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless fears |
杞天之虑 | Qǐ tiān zhī lǜ | man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless fears |
核冬天 | hé dōng tiān | nuclear winter |
梵天 | Fàn tiān | Nirvana (in Buddhist scripture); Lord Brahma (the Hindu Creator) |
乐天派 | lè tiān pài | happy-go-lucky people; optimists |
乐天知命 | lè tiān zhī mìng | to be content with what one is |
欧洲航天局 | Ōu zhōu Háng tiān jú | European Space Agency (ESA) |
欢天喜地 | huān tiān xǐ dì | delighted; wild with joy; lit. pleased with heaven, happy with earth (idiom) |
归天 | guī tiān | to die |
民以食为天 | mín yǐ shí wéi tiān | Food is the God of the people. (idiom); People view food as the primary need.; Food first, ethical niceties second |
水天一色 | shuǐ tiān yī sè | water and sky merge in one color (idiom) |
沙尘天气 | shā chén tiān qì | spring sandstorms (common in Northern China) |
泄漏天机 | xiè lòu tiān jī | to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a secret; to let the cat out of the bag |
泄露天机 | xiè lù tiān jī | to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a secret; to let the cat out of the bag |
洞天 | dòng tiān | paradise; heavenly or beautiful place; fairyland |
洪福齐天 | hóng fú qí tiān | flood of good fortune fills the heavens (idiom); a lucky sign |
浙江天台县 | Zhè jiāng Tiān tái xiàn | Tiantai County in Zhejiang |
海内存知己, 天涯若比邻 | hǎi nèi cún zhī jǐ , tiān yá ruò bǐ lín | close friend in a distant land, far-flung realms as next door (idiom); close in spirit although far away; absence makes the heart grow fonder |
海角天涯 | hǎi jiǎo tiān yá | The Ends of the Earth (idiom) |
海阔天空 | hǎi kuò tiān kōng | wide sea and sky (idiom); boundless open vistas; the whole wide world; chatting about everything under the sun |
海青天 | Hǎi qīng tiān | popular nickname of Hai Rui 海瑞 (1514-1587), Ming politician, famous for honesty and integrity |