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Search result for words containing 基: 301 word(s) found.

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qiǎng yóu hydroxyl radical
suō suāncarboxylic acid
Jesus Christ

Hòu Shèng Jiào huìThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

shì Shèng Jiào huìThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Shèng wéi Saint Kitts and Nevis
Lián guó Ér tóng jīn huìUnited Nations Children's Fund; UNICEF
Kěn Kentucky, US state
Kěn zhōuKentucky, US state
Kěn KFC; Kentucky Fried Chicken
kěn zhá Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)
tài peptide group; peptide unit
àn suānamino acid; also written 氨基酸
féi Phoenician
rán xué jīn huìnatural science fund
yóu qīng chú radical scavenger (chemistry)
yóu Ruǎn jiàn jīn huìFree Software Foundation
tái stylobate (architecture)
· Lái wēn Monica Lewinsky
lái wēn (Monica) Lewinsky
Luò shānRocky mountains in west US and Canada
Lán Lamborghini
西 ěr Sikorski (name); Radosław Sikorski (1950-), Polish conservative politician, foreign minister of Poland from 2007
shì chuāng zhǔnWindows based
Nuò Nokia (company name)
Nuò · Qiáo Noam Chomsky (American linguist and political activist)
chāo xìng yánultrabasic rock (geology, rock containing less than 45 percent silicates)
zhuǎn yīngenetic modification
zhuǎn yīn shí pǐngenetically modified (GM) food
zhuǎn ān méiamino transferase (enzyme)
Jiā tài Carthage
tóng ketone group
quán aldehyde group -COH
shēng shēng jīn huìWorld Wildlife Fund WWF
Mǐn Minkowski (name); Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909), German mathematician
Ā Archimedes (c. 287-212 BC)
Tuó tuǒ Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881), great Russian novelist, author of Crime and Punishment 罪与罚; also written 陀思妥耶夫斯基
Tuó tuǒ Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881), great Russian novelist, author of Crime and Punishment 罪与罚
dǎo dànland-based missile
yǐn xìng yīnrecessive gene
líng chǔfrom scratch; from basics
xiǎn xìng yīndominant gene
Maliki or Al-Maliki (name); Nouri Kamel al-Maliki (1950-) prime minister of Iraq from 2006
lán Malan atomic test site in Bayin'guoleng Mongol autonomous prefecture 巴音郭愣蒙古自治州, Xinjiang
gāo ěr Golgi complex (in cell biology)
Gāo ěr Golgi apparatus
jiǎn nucleotide (in nucleic acid)
jiǎn pèi duìcomplementary base pairing e.g. adenine A 腺嘌呤 pairs with thymine T 胸腺嘧啶 in DNA
jiǎn duìbase pair (bp) consisting of two complementary nucleotides (adenine A 腺嘌呤 paired with thymine T 胸腺嘧啶 in DNA)