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Search result for words containing 公: 539 word(s) found.

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gōng righteousness
gōng ér wàng for the common good and forgetting personal interests (idiom); to behave altruistically; selfless
gōng zhí rén yuánofficial employee; government official
gōng tīng huìpublic hearing
gōng government stake
gōng zhū tóng hàoto share pleasure in the company of others (idiom); shared enjoyment with fellow enthusiasts
gōng zhū shìto announce to the world (idiom); to publicize; known to all; to let everyone know one's position
gōng zhèng rénnotary; actuary
gōng zhèng chùnotary office
gōng zhūboar
gōng māomale cat; tomcat
gōng mǎi gōng màibuying and selling at fair prices
gōng fèi liáomedical treatment at public expense
gōng wǎngroad network
gōng xíng chēroad cycling
gōng sàiroad race
gōng chēbus
gōng shíkilometer per hour
gōng kāi huàto publicize; openness (of government, PRC equivalent of 'glasnost')
gōng kāi zhǐ denounce
gōng kāi tǎo lùn huìopen forum
gōng kāi sàichampionship
gōng kāi yào shipublic key (in encryption)
Gōng guǎn xiāngGongguan or Kungkuan township in Miaoli county 苗栗县, northwest Taiwan
gōng male horse; stallion; stud
fán shì tōng gōng Firestone tire company
fēn gōng subsidiary company; branch office
chū chuàng gōng new company; newly established enterprise
fèng gōngself-restraint and devotion to public duties (idiom); selfless dedication; to serve the public interest wholeheartedly
Liú gōng dǎoLiugong island in the Yellow sea
Bāo GōngLord Bao or Judge Bao, fictional nickname of Bao Zheng 包拯 (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty

Běi jīng chē zhì zào chǎng yǒu xiàn gōng Beijing automobile works BAW
Běi yáng · gōng yuē · zhīNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO
Běi Ōu háng kōng gōng Scandinavian airlines system, SAS
Qiān niǎo yuān guó jiā gōng Chidori ga fuchi, national war cemetery in Tokyo; also called Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
bàn gōng jīnhalf kilo
bàn gōng kāisemi-overt; more or less open
gōng Caterpillar Inc.
Yìn háng kōng gōng Air India
Yǒu bāng bǎo xiǎn gōng American International Group (AIG), insurance company
fǎn xíng zhé gōng yuēUN convention against torture and cruel treatment (ratified by PRC in 1988)
shū gōnggreat uncle; grandfather's younger brother; husband's father's younger brother
kǒu Gōng The Coca-Cola Company
广 lún guǎng gōng Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
Táng Tài zōng Wèi Gōng Wèn Duì”Duke Li of Wei answering Emperor Taizong of Tang”, military treatise attributed to Li Jing 李靖 and one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China武经七书
kūn lún Gōng Karakorum Highway, linking Pakistan and Xinjiang
yīn gōng xùn zhíto die as in the line of duty (idiom)

Guó yuàn Tái wān Shì Bàn gōng shìTaiwan Affairs Office
Guó yuàn Xīn wén Bàn gōng shìState Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China

Guó yuàn Gǎng Ào Shì Bàn gōng shìHong Kong and Macao Affairs Office (State Council, of PRC)