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Search result for words containing 会: 583 word(s) found.

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shè huì yán xuésociolinguistics
怀shè huì guān huáisocial care
shè huì jiē céngsocial hierarchy; stratum in society; social status
shè huì dǎngsocialist party
guó guāng huìmovement to restore the fatherland

guó píng tǒng wěi yuán huìCommittee for peaceful reunification of the fatherland (North Korean)
wěi huìwelfare committee; abbr. for 福利委员会
huìYuhui district of Bengbu city 蚌埠市, Anhui
huì Yuhui district of Bengbu city 蚌埠市, Anhui
huì shèa secret society
穿chuān záo huìto give a forced interpretation (idiom); draw far-fetched analogies
wěi yuán huìlegislative committee
huìlegislative council; LegCo (Hong Kong)
huìPEN (association of writers)
děng huìWait a moment!; after a while
děng huìrerhua variant of 等一会, Wait a moment!; after a while
guǎn wěi huìregulatory commission; abbr. for 管理委员会
guǎn wěi yuán huìregulatory commission (e.g. regulating employment, financial services etc)
chóu wěi huìorganizing committee
yuē huì duì xiànga partner for dating; a date (i.e. a boyfriend or girlfriend)
zhī wěi yuán huìorganizing committee; abbr. to 组委

jīng shè huì wén huà quán guó gōng yuēInternational Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
Wéi méi jīn huìWikimedia Foundation
wǎng wǎng xié huìInternet Society
jǐn huì emergency meeting; crisis conference
zǒng huì sān míng zhìclub sandwich
zǒng huì huì zhǎngpresident
Měi guó jiāo huìabbr. for 美国证券交易委员会, US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Měi guó guó huìUS Congress

Měi guó zhèng quàn jiāo wěi yuán huìUS Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
qún zhòng huìmass rally
qún yīng huìdistinguished gathering; a meeting of heroes
mài huìbazaar

Hòu Shèng Jiào huìThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

shì Shèng Jiào huìThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
huìThe Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
huì shìa Jesuit; member of Society of Jesus
huìthe Society of Jesus; the Jesuits
huì shìa Jesuit
Lián guó Ér tóng jīn huìUnited Nations Children's Fund; UNICEF
Lián guó Ān quán shì huìUnited Nations Security Council
lián huān huìsocial get-together; evening party
Lián bāng Tōng xìn Wěi yuán huìFederal Communications Commission (FCC)

lián bāng diàn xìn jiāo tōng wěi yuán huìFederal Communications Commission; FCC
Zhí Gāo ěr qiú Xié huìProfessional Golfer's Association (PGA)
tīng shěn huìhearing (law)
tīng huìto attend a meeting (and hear what is discussed)
tīng zhèng huì(legislative) hearing
dōng huìgeneral shareholders' meeting
dōng bié huìspecial shareholders' meeting