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Search result for words containing 会: 583 word(s) found.

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huì xīn wēi xiàoa knowing smile (idiom)
huì combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六书 of forming Chinese characters); Chinese character that combines the meanings of existing elements; also known as joint ideogram or associative compounds
huì gōngto attack jointly
Huì chāngHuichang county in Ganzhou 赣州, Jiangxi
Huì chāng xiànHuichang county in Ganzhou 赣州, Jiangxi
huì session
Huì dōngHuidong county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 凉山彝族自治州, south Sichuan
Huì dōng xiànHuidong county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 凉山彝族自治州, south Sichuan
huì mortal
huì lòuleak
Huì Huize county in Qujing 曲靖, Yunnan
Huì xiànHuize county in Qujing 曲靖, Yunnan
Huì xiànHuili county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 凉山彝族自治州, south Sichuan
huì méngmeetings conducted by rulers in feudal China for the purpose of formalizing alliances, finalizing treaties
huì zhòngaudience; participants; congregation (of religious sect)
huì shèa guild; (in olden times) an association such as a political party, religious group or trade guild; the Japanese word for company
huì membership (of a club etc)
huì kǎounified examination
huì yàodynastic records of Imperial China
kuài xuéaccounting; accountancy
kuài shīaccountant
kuài zhǔn shì huìaccounting standards council
kuài account
huì zhěnconsultation (medical); to meet for diagnosis; (by extension) consultation of different specialists
huì shìmeeting; conference room
huì zhǎn lǎnconferences and exhibitions
huì tīngconference hall
huì biànvariable
huì fèimembership dues
Huì xiànHuili county in Sichuan
huì zhǎngpresident of a club, committee etc
huì zhǎng tuánpresidency
huì ménmain entrance; secret society
huì yīnperineum
huì shǒuhead of a society; sponsor of an organization
yuè fèn huì monthly meeting; monthly conference
Huì chāngLee Hoi-chang
cūn wěi huìvillage committee
dōng yùn dòng huìEast Asian games
zhū shì huì shèJapanese limited company; corporation; public company; Ltd; p.l.c.; Corp; Japanese pr. kabushiki-gaisha
shī huìOxfam (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief)
huì dài lái chéng gōngopportunity brings success (idiom)
huì chéng běnopportunity cost
Ōu zhōu shì huìEuropean Council
Ōu zhōu huìEuropean Parliament
Ōu méng wěi yuán huìCommission of European Union
cán ào huìParalympic games
shè huìmatrilineality
mín shè huì zhǔ national socialism; Nazism
chē zhǎn lǎn huìcar show; automobile expo