会心微笑 | huì xīn wēi xiào | a knowing smile (idiom) |
会意字 | huì yì zì | combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六书 of forming Chinese characters); Chinese character that combines the meanings of existing elements; also known as joint ideogram or associative compounds |
会攻 | huì gōng | to attack jointly |
会昌 | Huì chāng | Huichang county in Ganzhou 赣州, Jiangxi |
会昌县 | Huì chāng xiàn | Huichang county in Ganzhou 赣州, Jiangxi |
会期 | huì qī | session |
会东 | Huì dōng | Huidong county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 凉山彝族自治州, south Sichuan |
会东县 | Huì dōng xiàn | Huidong county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 凉山彝族自治州, south Sichuan |
会死 | huì sǐ | mortal |
会漏 | huì lòu | leak |
会泽 | Huì zé | Huize county in Qujing 曲靖, Yunnan |
会泽县 | Huì zé xiàn | Huize county in Qujing 曲靖, Yunnan |
会理县 | Huì lǐ xiàn | Huili county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 凉山彝族自治州, south Sichuan |
会盟 | huì méng | meetings conducted by rulers in feudal China for the purpose of formalizing alliances, finalizing treaties |
会众 | huì zhòng | audience; participants; congregation (of religious sect) |
会社 | huì shè | a guild; (in olden times) an association such as a political party, religious group or trade guild; the Japanese word for company |
会籍 | huì jí | membership (of a club etc) |
会考 | huì kǎo | unified examination |
会要 | huì yào | dynastic records of Imperial China |
会计学 | kuài jì xué | accounting; accountancy |
会计师 | kuài jì shī | accountant |
会计准则理事会 | kuài jì zhǔn zé lǐ shì huì | accounting standards council |
会计科目 | kuài jì kē mù | account |
会诊 | huì zhěn | consultation (medical); to meet for diagnosis; (by extension) consultation of different specialists |
会议室 | huì yì shì | meeting; conference room |
会议展览 | huì yì zhǎn lǎn | conferences and exhibitions |
会议厅 | huì yì tīng | conference hall |
会变 | huì biàn | variable |
会费 | huì fèi | membership dues |
会里县 | Huì lǐ xiàn | Huili county in Sichuan |
会长 | huì zhǎng | president of a club, committee etc |
会长团 | huì zhǎng tuán | presidency |
会门 | huì mén | main entrance; secret society |
会阴 | huì yīn | perineum |
会首 | huì shǒu | head of a society; sponsor of an organization |
月份会议 | yuè fèn huì yì | monthly meeting; monthly conference |
李会昌 | Lǐ Huì chāng | Lee Hoi-chang |
村委会 | cūn wěi huì | village committee |
东亚运动会 | dōng yà yùn dòng huì | East Asian games |
株式会社 | zhū shì huì shè | Japanese limited company; corporation; public company; Ltd; p.l.c.; Corp; Japanese pr. kabushiki-gaisha |
乐施会 | Lè shī huì | Oxfam (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief) |
机会带来成功 | jī huì dài lái chéng gōng | opportunity brings success (idiom) |
机会成本 | jī huì chéng běn | opportunity cost |
欧洲理事会 | Ōu zhōu Lǐ shì huì | European Council |
欧洲议会 | Ōu zhōu Yì huì | European Parliament |
欧盟委员会 | Ōu méng wěi yuán huì | Commission of European Union |
残奥会 | cán ào huì | Paralympic games |
母系社会 | mǔ xì shè huì | matrilineality |
民族社会主义 | mín zú shè huì zhǔ yì | national socialism; Nazism |
汽车展览会 | qì chē zhǎn lǎn huì | car show; automobile expo |