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Search result for words containing 会: 583 word(s) found.

Displaying words from 301 to 350 - Previous - Next

yōu huìlover's rendezvous; tryst
zuò tán huìconference; symposium; rap session
广Guǎng Jiāo HuìChina Export Commodities Fair also known as the Canton Fair
yán huìto postpone a meeting
jiàn zhù huìbuilding society (finance)
yǐng xiàng huì video conference
dāi huìrin a moment; later; Taiwan pr. [dai1 hui3 r5]
hòu huì yǒu I'm sure we'll meet again some day. (idiom); Hope to see you again.
hòu huì to meet again at unspecified date; meeting postponed indefinitely
huìanti-Qing revolutionary party set up in 1904 under Cai Yuanpei 蔡元培; same as 光复会
huìto resume a meeting
guó tǒng shè huì dǎngSozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (Socialist unity party of Germany 1949-), the ruling communist party of the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany)
xīn lǐng shén huìto understand tacitly (idiom); to know intuitively; to understand thoroughly
huìto sense; to grasp intuitively
qìng zhù huìcelebration
xiàn jiān wěi yuán huìGuardian Council, body of 12 appointed clerics which govern Iran

men hòu jiāng huì hóng shuǐ tāo tiānAprès nous, le Déluge; after us, the deluge
shè huì cái countervalue
tuō xiū huìmendicant religious order in Catholicism; Franciscan order
zhǎo huìto look for an opportunity
pāi mài huìauction; CL:
zhāo pìn huìrecruitment meeting; job fair
guà shuài de shè huìa society in which that is regarded as all-important
jiào yǒu huìchurch conference
jiào wěi yuán huìschool board
wén shān huì hǎia mountain of paperwork and a sea of meetings (idiom)
lín Huì zhànBattle of Stalingrad (1942-1943); also called 斯大林格勒战役
Xīn tóng zhì huìNew Dramatic Society, Chinese theatrical company from 1912, a continuation of Tokyo Spring willow society 春柳社
Xīn huì Xinhui district of Jiangmen city 江门市, Guangdong
Xīn huì shìXinhui city in Guangdong
Xīn huì xiànXinhui county in Guangdong
xīn wén huìa news conference
běn Fàng sòng Xié huìNHK (Nihon Hōsō Kyōkai), Japanese national broadcasting company
běn Shè huì dǎngJapan Socialist Party
shì jiào huìecumenical
shū huìcalligraphy society; village school (old); literary society (old)
huì yànepiglottis
huì yǒumembership
huì chùjoint
Huì tóng xiànHuitong county in Huaihua 怀化, Hunan
huì fǒucan or cannot; is it possible?
huì tángmeeting hall; assembly hall
huì shìmember of religious order; penitent; frater; translation of French agregé (holder of teaching certificate)
huì shì kǎo shìagrégation (exam for teaching diploma in French universities)
Huì ānHoi An (in Vietnam)
huì shìparlor
Huì níngHuining county in Baiyin 白银, Gansu
Huì níng xiànHuining county in Baiyin 白银, Gansu
huì zhǎnconferences and exhibitions, abbr. of 会议展览
huì tabernacle (biblical word for a meeting hall or tent)