幽会 | yōu huì | lover's rendezvous; tryst |
座谈会 | zuò tán huì | conference; symposium; rap session |
广交会 | Guǎng Jiāo Huì | China Export Commodities Fair also known as the Canton Fair |
延会 | yán huì | to postpone a meeting |
建屋互助会 | jiàn wū hù zhù huì | building society (finance) |
影像会议 | yǐng xiàng huì yì | video conference |
待会儿 | dāi huìr | in a moment; later; Taiwan pr. [dai1 hui3 r5] |
后会有期 | hòu huì yǒu qī | I'm sure we'll meet again some day. (idiom); Hope to see you again. |
后会无期 | hòu huì wú qī | to meet again at unspecified date; meeting postponed indefinitely |
复古会 | fù gǔ huì | anti-Qing revolutionary party set up in 1904 under Cai Yuanpei 蔡元培; same as 光复会 |
复会 | fù huì | to resume a meeting |
德国统一社会党 | Dé guó tǒng yī shè huì dǎng | Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (Socialist unity party of Germany 1949-), the ruling communist party of the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany) |
心领神会 | xīn lǐng shén huì | to understand tacitly (idiom); to know intuitively; to understand thoroughly |
意会 | yì huì | to sense; to grasp intuitively |
庆祝会 | qìng zhù huì | celebration |
宪法监护委员会 | xiàn fǎ jiān hù wěi yuán huì | Guardian Council, body of 12 appointed clerics which govern Iran |
我们死后将会洪水 滔天 | wǒ men sǐ hòu jiāng huì hóng shuǐ tāo tiān | Après nous, le Déluge; after us, the deluge |
打击社会财富 | dǎ jī shè huì cái fù | countervalue |
托钵修会 | tuō bō xiū huì | mendicant religious order in Catholicism; Franciscan order |
找机会 | zhǎo jī huì | to look for an opportunity |
拍卖会 | pāi mài huì | auction; CL:场 |
招聘会 | zhāo pìn huì | recruitment meeting; job fair |
挂帅的社会 | guà shuài de shè huì | a society in which that is regarded as all-important |
教友大会 | jiào yǒu dà huì | church conference |
教育委员会 | jiào yù wěi yuán huì | school board |
文山会海 | wén shān huì hǎi | a mountain of paperwork and a sea of meetings (idiom) |
斯大林格勒会战 | Sī dà lín gé lè Huì zhàn | Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943); also called 斯大林格勒战役 |
新剧同志会 | Xīn jù tóng zhì huì | New Dramatic Society, Chinese theatrical company from 1912, a continuation of Tokyo Spring willow society 春柳社 |
新会区 | Xīn huì qū | Xinhui district of Jiangmen city 江门市, Guangdong |
新会市 | Xīn huì shì | Xinhui city in Guangdong |
新会县 | Xīn huì xiàn | Xinhui county in Guangdong |
新闻发布会 | xīn wén fā bù huì | a news conference |
日本放送协会 | Rì běn Fàng sòng Xié huì | NHK (Nihon Hōsō Kyōkai), Japanese national broadcasting company |
日本社会党 | Rì běn Shè huì dǎng | Japan Socialist Party |
普世教会 | pǔ shì jiào huì | ecumenical |
书会 | shū huì | calligraphy society; village school (old); literary society (old) |
会厌 | huì yàn | epiglottis |
会友 | huì yǒu | membership |
会合处 | huì hé chù | joint |
会同县 | Huì tóng xiàn | Huitong county in Huaihua 怀化, Hunan |
会否 | huì fǒu | can or cannot; is it possible? |
会堂 | huì táng | meeting hall; assembly hall |
会士 | huì shì | member of religious order; penitent; frater; translation of French agregé (holder of teaching certificate) |
会士考试 | huì shì kǎo shì | agrégation (exam for teaching diploma in French universities) |
会安 | Huì ān | Hoi An (in Vietnam) |
会客室 | huì kè shì | parlor |
会宁 | Huì níng | Huining county in Baiyin 白银, Gansu |
会宁县 | Huì níng xiàn | Huining county in Baiyin 白银, Gansu |
会展 | huì zhǎn | conferences and exhibitions, abbr. of 会议展览 |
会幕 | huì mù | tabernacle (biblical word for a meeting hall or tent) |