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Search result for words containing 会: 583 word(s) found.

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Guó Háng kōng Yùn shū Xié huìInternational Air Transport Association (IATA)
Guó qiú Lián huìFIFA; International Federation of Association Football

Guó Diàn bào Diàn huà xún Wěi yuán huìInternational Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT)

guó diàn huà diàn bào xún wěi yuán huìInternational Consultative Committee for Telephone and Telegraph; CCITT (now ITU)
Guó cāo Lián huìFédération Internationale de Gymnastique
yuán zhuō huì round table conference
tuán jié gōng huìSolidarity (Polish worker's union)
chéng shì yùn dòng huìNational Games, Chinese athletics competition, organized every four years since 1988
chéng yùn huìabbr. for 城市运动会, National Games, Chinese athletics competition, organized every four years since 1988
zhí wěi huìexecutive committee
jīn huìfoundation (institution supported by an endowment)
bào gào huìpublic lecture (with guest speakers etc)
Wài jiāo Guān shì huìCouncil on Foreign Relations (US policy think thank)
zhāo dài jiǔ huìevening cocktail reception
zǒng huìnightclub; nightspot
dāo huìGreat Sword Society, an offshoot of the White Lotus in the late Qing dynasty, involved in anti-Western activity at the time of the Boxer rebellion
huì bào gào cǎo rénrapporteur
chái dàn xíng zhèng wěi yuán huìDa Qaidam county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, Qinghai
tiān zhǔ jiào huìthe Catholic church
Tiān jīn huì zhuān tiáoTianjin agreement of 1885 between Li Hongzhang 李鸿章 and ITŌ Hirobumi 伊藤博文 to pull Qing and Japanese troops out of Korea
Ào wěi huìOlympic committee
Ào lín yùn dòng huìOlympic Games; the Olympics

Ào lín yùn dòng huì zhī wěi yuán huìOlympic organizing committee; abbr. to 奥组委
hào huì chī tou deCuriosity killed the cat.
wěi yuán huì huì committee meeting
lián huìwomen's union
huìquarterly meeting
xué huì yuàn shìacademician; fellow of academy
ān quán jiāo huàn wěi yuán huìUS Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
yàn huì tīngballroom; banqueting hall
huìsecret meeting; to meet secretly
jiāng huìauxiliary verb introducing future action: may (be able to); will (cause); should (enable); going to
xiǎo dāo huìDagger Society, anti-Qing secret society who mounted an unsuccessful rebellion in 1855
xiǎo kāng shè huìmiddle-class society
xiǎo wěi yuán huìsubcommittee
jiù huìemployment opportunity; job opening
wěi huìneighbourhood committee
zhǎn xiāo huìtrade fair; sales exhibition
fēng huìsummit meeting
gōng zuò wěi yuán huìworking committee
zuǒ qīng huì zhǔ leftist opportunism (blamed for failures of Chinese communists from 1927); left adventurism; cf Mao's purges following 1935 Zunyi conference 遵义会议
shì mín shè huìcivil society (law)
shì huìcity council
cháng wěi yuán huìstanding committee (e.g. of National People's Congress)
cháng wěi huìstanding committee
bāng huìsecret society; underworld gang
nián huìannual meeting; annual general meeting (AGM)
nián dōng huìannual shareholders' meeting
xìng huìnice to meet you