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Search result for words containing 腺: 62 word(s) found.

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shèn shàng xiànadrenal glands
xìng xiàngonad; sex gland
shēng zhí xiànreproductive gland; gonad; sex organ
jiǎ zhuàng xiànthyroid gland
shèn shàng xiàn adrenaline
tuò xiànsaliva gland
nèi fēn xiànendocrine gland; gland producing internal secretion, e.g. hormone
jiǎ zhuàng xiàn zhǒnggoiter (enlargement of thyroid gland)
xiōng xiànthymus
xiàn áiAdenocarcinoma
sān lín suān xiàn gānadenosine triphosphate (ATP)
xià xià xiànsubmandibular gland; submaxillary saliva gland
xiànmammary gland
xiàn yánmastitis
xiàn áibreast cancer
èr lín suān xiàn gānadenosine diphosphate (ADP)
qián liè xiànprostate
qián liè xiàn yánprostatitis
qián liè xiàn áiprostate cancer
qián liè xiàn prostaglandin
luǎn huáng xiànvitelline glands; vitellaria (in biology)
wài fēn xiànexocrine gland; gland producing external secretion (e.g. saliva)
duō xiàn rǎn polytene chromosome
biǎn táo xiàntonsil
biǎn táo xiàn yántonsillitis
shè xiànprostate; also written 前列腺
shè xiàn zhǒng benign prostate hypertrophy; enlargement of prostate
shì xiànDufour gland (produces female sex hormone in bees)
shì xiàn Dufour gland (produces female sex hormone in bees)
sōng guǒ xiànpineal body
Méi shì xiànMehlis gland
xiànpoison gland
hàn xiànsweat gland
xiāo huà xiàndigestive glands
lín xiànlymph node; lymphatic gland
lèi xiànLacrimal gland
jiǎ zhuàng xiàn gōng néng kàng jìnhyperthyroidism; abbr. to 甲亢
jiǎ zhuàng xiàn thyroid hormone; thyroxine (used to treat underactive thyroid)
zhī xiànepidermal sebaceous glands; skin oil gland
róng máo xìng xiàn human chrionic gonodocophin (HCG)
ěr xià xiànsubauricular gland; parotid gland (salivary gland in the cheek)
xiàn yánpancreatitis
xiōng xiàn dìngthymine nucleotide (T, pairs with adenine A 腺嘌呤 in DNA)
shèn shàng xiàn zhìadrenal cortex
shèn shàng xiàn suǐ zhìadrenal medulla
sāi xiànparotid gland; saliva gland in cheek
sāi xiàn yánmumps
xiàn piào lìngadenine nucleotide (A, pairs with thymine T 胸腺嘧啶 in DNA and with uracil U 尿嘧啶 in RNA)