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Search result for words containing 缝: 45 word(s) found.

féngto sew; to stitch
fèngseam; crack; narrow slit
liè fèngcrack; crevice; CL:
fèng small crack; chink
féng rèn sewing machine; CL:
cái féngtailor; dressmaker
féng to darn (clothing); to sew and mend
féng to sew together; suture (in surgery); to sew up (a wound)
féng rènto sew; tailoring
fengto squint
zhōng fèngvertical space in a newspaper between two attached pages; vertical line on the back of clothing
gōu fèngto point a brick wall; to grout a tiled surface
fèngto form a seam; to join up
jiā fénghemmed in on both sides
zhuāng cái feng shīdressmaker
féngtight seam; to calk
féngto cover up mistakes or crimes; to stitch up; to fix
shǒu féngto sew by hand; hand-sewn
zhé féngwelt seam (doubled over and sewed again from topside)
jiē fèngseam; join; juncture
fèngoverlaid seam
fèng lián jiēseamless connection
fènggap between teeth
fèngrgap between teeth
zhǎi fèngnarrow gap; slit
háng féngto quilt
fèng dàisuture zone (geology)
fèng zicrack; chink; narrow slit; crevice
féng qióngto sew and mend clothes for a pittance
féng zhuìto patch together; to mend
féng féng lián liánneedlework; sewing and mending
féng jiàngtailor
féng gōng rénneedleworker
féng zhēnsewing needle
féng zhìto sew; to make (clothes, bedding)
féng zhēna stitch; surgical stitches
fèng zhēnneedle
féng zhēn seam
fèng biānhem
cái fèng shītailor
cái féng diàntailor's shop
jiàn fèng jiù zuānlit. to see a gap and drill (idiom); fig. to make the most of every opportunity
jiàn fèng chā zhēnlit. to see a gap and stick in a needle (idiom); fig. to make use of every second and every inch