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Search result for words containing 日月: 7 word(s) found. |
日月 | rì yuè | the sun and moon; day and month; every day and every month; season; life and livelihood |
日月五星 | rì yuè wǔ xīng | sun, moon and the five visible planets |
日月如梭 | rì yuè rú suō | the sun and moon like a shuttle (idiom); How time flies! |
日月晕 | rì yuè yùn | halo; ring of light around the sun or moon |
日月潭 | Rì yuè tán | Sun and moon lake (e.g. Dalian, Taiwan etc) |
日月蹉跎 | rì yuè cuō tuó | days and months slip away; fig. the inexorable passage of time |
日月重光 | rì yuè chóng guāng | the sun and moon shine once more; fig. things get back to normal after an upheaval |