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Search result for words containing 四大: 18 word(s) found. |
四大 | sì dà | the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind (Buddhism); the four freedoms: speaking out freely, airing views fully, holding great debates, and writing big-character posters, 大鸣大放, 大辩论, 大字报 (PRC) |
中国古代四大美女 | Zhōng guó gǔ dài sì dà měi nǚ | Four legendary beauties of ancient China, namely: Xi Shi 西施, Wang Zhaojun 王昭君, Diaochan 貂蝉 and Yang Yuhuan 杨玉环 or Yang Guifei 杨贵妃 |
元曲四大家 | Yuán qǔ sì dà jiā | Four great Yuan dramatists, namely: Guan Hanqing 关汉卿, Zheng Guangzu 郑光祖, Ma Zhiyuan 马致远 and Bai Pu 白朴 |
六朝四大家 | liù cháo sì dà jiā | Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties, namely: Cao Buxing 曹不兴, Gu Kaizhi 顾恺之, Lu Tanwei 陆探微 and Zhang Sengyou 张僧繇 |
北宋四大部书 | Běi Sòng sì dà bù shū | Four great compilations of Northern Song dynasty, namely: Extensive records of the Taiping era (978) 太平广记, Imperial readings of the Taiping era 太平御览, Prime tortoise of the record bureau 册府元龟, Finest blossoms in the garden of literature 文苑英华 |
唐初四大家 | Táng chū Sì Dà jiā | Four Great Poets of early Tang; refers to Yu Shi'nan 虞世南, Ouyang Xun 欧阳询, Chu Suiliang 楮遂良 and Xue Ji 薛稷 |
四大佛教名山 | Sì dà Fó jiào Míng shān | Four Sacred Mountains of Buddhism, namely: Mt Wutai 五台山 in Shanxi, Mt Emei 峨眉山 in Sichuan, Mt Jiuhua 九华山 in Anhui, Mt Potala 普陀山 in Zhejiang |
四大名著 | sì dà míng zhù | the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature, namely: A Dream of Red Mansions 红楼梦, Romance of Three Kingdoms 三国演义, Water Margin 水浒传, Journey to the West 西游记 |
四大天王 | sì dà tiān wáng | the four heavenly kings (Sanskrit vajra); the four guardians or warrior attendants of Buddha |
四大发明 | sì dà fā míng | the four great Chinese inventions: paper, printing, magnetic compass and gunpowder |
四大皆空 | sì dà jiē kōng | lit. the four elements are vanity (idiom); this world is an illusion |
四大盆地 | sì dà pén dì | four great basin depressions of China, namely: Tarim 塔里木盆地 in south Xinjiang, Jungar 准葛尔盆地 and Tsaidam or Qaidam 柴达木盆地 in north Xinjiang Sichuan 四川盆地 |
四大石窟 | sì dà shí kū | Four great caves, namely: Longmen grottoes 龙门石窟 at Luoyang, Henan, Yungang caves 云冈石窟 at Datong, Shanxi, Mogao caves 莫高窟 at Dunhuang, Gansu, and Mt Maiji caves 麦积山石窟 at Tianshui, Gansu |
四大美女 | sì dà měi nǚ | Four legendary beauties of ancient China, namely: Xi Shi 西施, Wang Zhaojun 王昭君, Diaochan 貂蝉 and Yang Yuhuan 杨玉环 or Yang Guifei 杨贵妃 |
四大须生 | sì dà xū shēng | Four great beards of Beijing opera, namely: Ma Lianliang 马连良, Tan Fuying 谭富英, Yang Baosen 杨宝森, Xi Xiaobo 奚啸伯 |
宋四大书 | Sòng sì dà shū | Four great compilations of Northern Song dynasty, namely: Extensive records of the Taiping era (978) 太平广记, Imperial readings of the Taiping era 太平御览, Prime tortoise of the record bureau 册府元龟, Finest blossoms in the garden of literature 文苑英华 |
江南四大才子 | Jiāng nán sì dà cái zǐ | Four great southern talents of the Ming, namely: Tang Bohu 唐伯虎, Zhu Zhishan 祝枝山, Wen Zhengming 文征明 and Xu Zhenqing 徐祯卿 |
杂剧四大家 | zá jù sì dà jiā | Four great Yuan dramatists, namely: Guan Hanqing 关汉卿, Zheng Guangzu 郑光祖, Ma Zhiyuan 马致远 and Bai Pu 白朴 |