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Search result for words containing 卿: 13 word(s) found. |
卿 | qīng | high ranking official (old); term of endearment between spouses (old); (from the Tang Dynasty onwards) term used by the emperor for his subjects (old); honorific (old) |
国务卿 | guó wù qīng | Secretary of State |
九卿 | jiǔ qīng | the Nine Ministers (in imperial China) |
冏卿 | jiǒng qīng | Minister of imperial stud, originally charged with horse breeding; same as 太仆寺卿 |
副国务卿 | fù guó wù qīng | Under-Secretary of State |
卿卿我我 | qīng qīng wǒ wǒ | to bill and coo (idiom); to whisper sweet nothings to one another; to be very much in love |
国务次卿 | guó wù cì qīng | Under Secretary of State |
太仆寺卿 | Tài pú sì qīng | Minister of imperial stud, originally charged with horse breeding |
徐祯卿 | Xú Zhēn qīng | Xu Zhenqing (1479-1511), Ming writer, one of Four great southern talents of the Ming 江南四大才子 |
王侯公卿 | wáng hóu gōng qīng | aristocracy |
科卿 | kē qīng | Cochin (in south India) |
关汉卿 | Guān Hàn qīng | Guan Hanqing (c. 1235-c. 1300), Yuan dynasty dramatist in the 杂剧 tradition of musical comedy, one of the Four Great Yuan dramatists 元曲四大家 |
颜真卿 | yán zhēn qīng | name of a person, Yan Zhenqing, a famous calligrapher |