仁 | rén | humane; kernel |
仁兄 | rén xiōng | (honorific written address) My dear friend |
宋教仁 | Sòng Jiào rén | Song Jiaoren (1882-1913), politician of the revolutionary party involved in the 1911 Xinhai revolution, murdered in Shanghai in 1913 |
仁弟 | rén dì | (honorific written address to younger man) My dear young friend |
仁爱 | rén ài | benevolence; charity; compassion; Renai or Jenai district of Keelung City 基隆市, Taiwan; Renai or Jenai township in Nantou county 南投县, central Taiwan |
仁义 | rén yì | benevolence and righteousness |
仁义 | rén yi | affable and even-tempered |
同仁 | tóng rén | variant of 同人; Tongren county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黄南藏族自治州, Qinghai |
一视同仁 | yī shì tóng rén | to treat everyone equally favorably (idiom); not to discriminate between people |
杏仁 | xìng rén | almond; apricot |
仁慈 | rén cí | benevolent; charitable; kind; kindly; kindness; merciful |
不仁 | bù rén | not benevolent; heartless; numb |
核仁 | hé rén | nucleolus (within nucleus of cell) |
桃仁 | táo rén | peach kernel, used in Chinese medicine |
仁政 | rén zhèng | benevolent policy; humane government |
仁义道德 | rén yì dào dé | compassion, duty, propriety and integrity (idiom); all the traditional virtues; mainly used sarcastically, to mean hypocritical |
仁丹 | Rén dān | Jintan mouth refresher lozenge, produced by Morishita Jintan company from 1905 |
仁人君子 | rén rén jūn zǐ | people of good will (idiom); charitable person |
仁人志士 | rén rén zhì shì | gentleman aspiring to benevolence (idiom); people with lofty ideals |
仁人义士 | rén rén yì shì | those with lofty ideals (idiom); men of vision |
仁化 | Rén huà | see 仁化县 |
仁化县 | Rén huà xiàn | Renhua county, Shaoguan 韶关, Guangdong |
仁厚 | rén hòu | kind-hearted; tolerant; honest and generous |
仁和 | Rén hé | Renhe district of Panzhihua city 攀枝花市, south Sichuan |
仁和区 | Rén hé qū | Renhe district of Panzhihua city 攀枝花市, south Sichuan |
仁和县 | Rén hé xiàn | Renhe county in Zhejiang |
仁寿 | Rén shòu | Renshou county in Meishan 眉山, Sichuan |
仁寿县 | Rén shòu xiàn | Renshou county in Meishan 眉山, Sichuan |
仁川 | Rén chuān | Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi Province 京畿道, South Korea |
仁川市 | Rén chuān shì | Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi Province 京畿道, South Korea |
仁川广域市 | Rén chuān guǎng yù shì | Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi Province 京畿道, South Korea |
仁布 | Rén bù | Rinbung county, Tibetan: Rin spungs rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet |
仁布县 | Rén bù xiàn | Rinbung county, Tibetan: Rin spungs rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet |
仁德 | rén dé | benevolent integrity; high mindedness; Jente township in Tainan county 台南县, Taiwan |
仁德乡 | Rén dé xiāng | Jente township in Tainan county 台南县, Taiwan |
仁心仁术 | rén xīn rén shù | benevolent heart and skillful execution (idiom, from Mencius); charitable in thought and deed |
仁惠 | rén huì | benevolent; merciful; humane |
仁爱区 | Rén ài qū | Jenai district of Keelung City 基隆市, Taiwan |
仁爱乡 | Rén ài xiāng | Renai or Jenai township in Nantou county 南投县, central Taiwan |
仁怀 | Rén huái | Renhuai county level city in Zun'yi 遵义, Guizhou |
仁怀市 | Rén huái shì | Renhuai county level city in Zun'yi 遵义, Guizhou |
仁怀县 | Rén huái xiàn | Renhuai county in Zun'yi prefecture 遵义, Guizhou |
仁武 | Rén wǔ | Renwu or Jenwu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄县, southwest Taiwan |
仁武乡 | Rén wǔ xiāng | Renwu or Jenwu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄县, southwest Taiwan |
仁民爱物 | rén mín ài wù | love to all creatures (idiom, from Mencius); universal benevolence |
仁者见仁, 智者见智 | rén zhě jiàn rén , zhì zhě jiàn zhì | the benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom.; Different views are admissible (idiom) |
仁至义尽 | rén zhì yì jìn | extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulous virtue and attention to duty |
仁术 | rén shù | kindness; benevolence; to govern in humanitarian way |
仁言利博 | rén yán lì bó | Words of benevolence apply universally (idiom). Humanitarian expressions benefit all. |
假仁假义 | jiǎ rén jiǎ yì | hypocrisy; pretended righteousness |